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German Baby Names

German Baby Boy Names and Baby Girl Names including Meanings of Names.
M/F Name Origin Meaning Rating Favorites
Adimar German he whose battles have made him distingui..
Adler German eagle
Adolf German noble wolf. History: Adolf Hitler's Germ..
Adolph German a form of Adolf
Adrenilda German mother of the warrior
Adrodato German daring father
Afonso German prepared for combat
Agberto German famous for the sword
Agilberta German famous sword of combat
Agilberto German famous sword from combat
Agileo German spade of a fighter
Agilulfo German spear of the warrior
Agliberto German a form of Agilberto
Agoardo German strong sword
Agobardo German strong spear
Agofredo German spear that brings peace
Agomar German distinguished sword
Aicardo German strong sword
Aimario German strong lineage
Aixa German a form of Axelle
Alaric German ruler of all
Alarice German ruler of all
Alberic German smart; wise ruler
Alberico German a form of Alberic
Albern German noble; courageous
Note: = Boy Names = Girl Names = Names suitable for both gender

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