Labreana |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Breana.. |
Labrenda |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Brenda.. |
Lachandra |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Chandr.. |
Ladana |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Dana |
Ladanica |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Danica.. |
Ladeidra |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Deidra.. |
Laderrick |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Derrick |
Ladivina |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Divina.. |
Lajessica |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Jessic.. |
Lajuliet |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Juliet.. |
Lajuliette |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Juliet.. |
Lakaya |
American |
a form of Lakayla |
Lakeisha |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Keisha.. |
Lakeith |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Keith |
Lakendra |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Kendra.. |