Keyshawn |
American |
a combination of Key + Shawn |
Laderrick |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Derrick |
Lakeith |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Keith |
Lamarcus |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Marcus |
Lamario |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Mario |
Laquan |
American |
a combination of the prefix La + Quan |
Leshawn |
American |
a combination of the prefix Le + Shawn |
Lucky |
American |
"fortunate." |
Manrico |
American |
a combination of Mann + Enrico |
Marquan |
American |
a combination of Mark + Quan |
Marquon |
American |
a combination of Mark + Quon |