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English Baby Names

English Baby Boy Names and Baby Girl Names including Meanings of Names.
M/F Name Origin Meaning Rating Favorites
Fraser English curly haired
Frayne English stranger
Freddi English a familiar form of Frederica, Winifre..
Fredella English a form of Frederica
Frederica English "peaceful ruler." Opera singer Frederica..
Freeborn English child of freedom
Freedom English freedom
Freeman English free
Frewin English free; noble friend
Frey English lord
Frick English bold
Fridolf English peaceful wolf
Fulton English field near town
Gaery English variable, changeable
Gail English merry, lively
Gailine English a form of Gail
Galton English owner of a rented estate
Gar English a short form of Gareth
Gardenia English Botany: a sweet-melling flower
Gardner English gardener
Garen English a form of Garry
Garfield English "field of spears; battlefield."
Garin English a form of Garry
Garion English a form of Garry
Garland English land of spears; battleground
Note: = Boy Names = Girl Names = Names suitable for both gender

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