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Greek Baby Names

Greek Baby Boy Names and Baby Girl Names including Meanings of Names.
M/F Name Origin Meaning Rating Favorites
Hermilo Greek little Hermes
Herminda Greek a form of Hermia
Hermione Greek earthy
Hermolao Greek messenger of God
Herodes Greek the fire dragon
Herodoto Greek the sacred talent
Hersilia Greek she who is delicate and kind
Hesiquio Greek tranquil
Hesperia Greek one who follows the star of the first ev..
Hesperos Greek evening star
Hieremias Greek God will uplift
Hieronymos Greek a form of Jerome
Higinia Greek she who enjoys good health
Higinio Greek he who has good health
Hilary Greek cheerful, merry
Hildebrand Greek battle sword
Hillary Greek cheerful, merry
Himana Greek membrane
Hipatia Greek best
Hipolita Greek horsewoman
Hippolyte Greek horseman
Hixinio Greek vigorous
Holain Greek a form of Helen
Homar Greek a form of Homer
Homer Greek hostage; pledge; security. Literature: a..
Note: = Boy Names = Girl Names = Names suitable for both gender

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