Leotie |
Native Ame.. |
prairie flower |
Litonya |
Native Ame.. |
The Miwok or Moquelumnan word for "hummi.. |
Liwanu |
Native Ame.. |
"growling bear." Miwok or Moquelumnan in.. |
Lomasi |
Native Ame.. |
pretty flower |
Lonato |
Native Ame.. |
flint stone |
Lulu |
Native Ame.. |
hare |
Magena |
Native Ame.. |
coming moon |
Mahala |
Native Ame.. |
powerful woman |
Mahkah |
Native Ame.. |
A name that signifies "earth." From the .. |
Mahwah |
Native Ame.. |
"wolf," this name springs from Algonquia.. |
Makya |
Native Ame.. |
"eagle hunter." Hopi in origin.
Mansi |
Native Ame.. |
"Indian paintbrush (flower)." From the H.. |
Maska |
Native Ame.. |
powerful |
Masou |
Native Ame.. |
fire god |
Mato |
Native Ame.. |
"bear." From the Dakota or Lakota.
Matoskah |
Native Ame.. |
"white bear." From the Siouan languages .. |
Mausi |
Native Ame.. |
plucked flower |
Meda |
Native Ame.. |
prophet; priestess |
Menewa |
Native Ame.. |
A name signifying "great warrior." From .. |
Micco |
Native Ame.. |
Seminole for "chief."